Resource groups have started in Room 14 and beginning next week, homework will be assigned in Room 14 in addition to homework assigned in Room 13. Room 14 and I work together to coordinate homework. Please keep in mind:
• Math resource students will have Room 13 homework assigned as usual on Tuesday and Thursday nights. This is because all math resource students are in Room 13 for math instruction in addition to the double dose they get in resource. It is OK to modify any assignment by writing me a note or putting a parent signature on the assignment. Acceptable modifications may include decreasing the number of problems. It is always OK to help your student with math homework.
• Students with IEP's in reading will be assigned daily fluency practice nightly from Room 13. They will also be assigned spelling in Room 13 on Monday in the form of a CCC. Spelling tests will be given in Room 13 on Friday. Modifications to spelling assignments may be appropriate. Parents may cross out the last 10 words of a 20 word list if needed. Vocabulary sentence homework will be assigned on Wednesday.
• Students with a writing IEP will receive a spelling homework packet from Room 14 on Monday. It is due on Thursday in Room 14. They will receive their spelling words from resource and will take their weekly spelling tests in resource.